Les DiffYUseurs(Hardware) and Les Diffuseurs(plug-in version)

“Les DiffYUseurs” is the simulator for the sound system of Les Ondes Martenot.
It is organised by Metal plate resonators, string resonators, spring reverb + tremolo and additional special effects (ring modulator and pitch shifter).
We offer Les DiffYUseurs at a preorder special price of 349€(VAT & Shipping included).

*Notice :
The indications on the panel, which should be Palme A, Palme B and Metal A, are printed as Palme A, MetalA and again MetalA. 
We only noticed this error after we had completed the assembly and it was not possible to reprint them.
Please accept our apologies.
It does not affect the functionality at all.
For ecological reasons, a power supply unit is not included. Please use a common centre positive power supply unit of 9v to 12v (capacity of 0.5A or more recommended) commercially available in your country.

“Les Diffuseurs” is the plug-in version. This is specified for the string resonator(La Palme) and the metal disk resonator (Gong=Le Métalique). La Palme has tunable 12 strings plus global transpose and fine-tuning with a wooden box simulator and the stereo space placer (Modulatable).
“|Le metalique” has two basic sizes of metal disk plates whose size is continuously variable.
The size factor is midi and LFO controllable. This also has the box and the space placer.
Audio demos are here.
To purchase the plug-in version “Les Diffuseurs”. Click here.

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